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© 2015 by Women Of Renowned Distinction Recovery Center

Renowned’ means highly known, celebrated. We celebrate her Distinctive scars because they remind us of God’s promises of freedom from oppression. A Woman Of Renowned Distinction is an Overcomer---Tiffany 

Women Of Renowned Distinction 

What is a Woman Of Renowned Distinction? She is more than a survivor. She is NO MORE a victim. She presses forward with a new found trust God has destroyed every shackle of an abusive past. She walks with faith, embracing a future free of any negative stigmas of such past. She enters its gates broken, but exits complete. She does not hide her scars, nor is she ashamed of them. In fact, she celebrates them. They are remnants of a battle won. ‘Renowned’ means highly known, celebrated. We celebrate her Distinctive scars because they remind us of God’s promises of freedom from oppression. A Woman Of Renowned Distinction is an Overcomer. She is worthy of praise. (Proverbs 31:30)​  


The Vision of W.O.R.D Recovery Center is that of a five-fold ministry. Five is number of Grace. Each component is based on spiritual principles. As each element is introduced to survivors, their five basic needs are met. (Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs)


It is our vision to Recover All for every survivor of sexual abuse and exploitation, and those who have been domestically trafficked. In addition, those survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and emotional and mental abuse who may or may not have been trafficked and/or exploited. 




To replenish the physical being of every survivor suffering from long-term abuse. This includes food, water, medical, clothing, resources (shelter). We will serve as a "hub" to get every survivor needs within the community. This includes referrals. 

Physiological Needs

Safety & Security Needs




To re-claim the safety entitled to every survivor once forced to live in bondage. This includes, re-learning basic life skills, family 

reunification & stability, continued education and viable employment. We will serve as a "hub" to get every survivor needs within the community. This includes referrals. 



Love & Belongingness Needs



To restore hope, joy, inner peace, trust, and ability to love and accept love to every survivor. This includes overall rehabilitation, restoring healthy relationships & intimacy, and reinstating emotional connections. We will serve as a "hub" to get every survivor needs within the community. This includes referrals.    

Self-Esteem Needs



To re-plant faith & trust in God and oneself. This includes self-esteem, accomplishing goals, re-establishing individuality, and reinitiating trust in others. We will serve as a "hub" to get every survivor needs within the community. This includes referrals.



To recover all losses to every survivor. This includes but not limited to Spiritual losses, Emotional losses, Mental losses and Physical & Financial losses. This includes rediscovering greater purpose, and acceptance of the past. 



Much time is concentrated on the first, Replenish (physiological) as these are the necessities most, if not all, survivors have been deprived. It is difficult to present healing to a survivor, while they are yet adjusting to another new normal, life after Abuse, Trafficking and Exploitation. Most survivors, if not all, came to know the former as normal. As the remaining four components and the exploratory phases within are introduced to survivors, further depth is given on the previous. This supports every survivor’s progression through each phase with gentleness, and patience as is needed during his or her frailty. It is essential to give the survivor liberation of their process of healing, as to minimize triggers of abuse. Although triggers are typical after trauma, survivors will learn needed tools to recognize them as they occur, throughout the program and in life. 

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